Dancing the light

Danser la lumière Un film de Fabrice Leroux, avec les expérimentations lumineuses d?A.I.L.O. Ce film est né lors d?une résidence artistique de quatre semainesau Foyer de Vie de La Longueville et au SATJ de Hautmont en 2022. Il s?agissait de créer la rencontre entre...

I am a medium

I am a medium Support / Surface / Materials / References / Self-derision Video-Performance & Photography More information Since Jan Van Eyck?s Man with a Red Turban in 1433, how many self-portraits have there been? Why use yourself as a medium? As a game, as a...

Balance / Sisyphus

In-Situ creation in the framework of the UFO Festival 2018.6 min video projection inside 2 niches, one fills up with ashes while the other one empties.


Catharsis Learn more Catharsis feminine noun (Greek katharsis, purification)For Aristotle, the "purifying" effect produced on spectators by a dramatic performance. Any therapeutic method that aims to achieve a situation of emotional crisis such as a...

Ashes to Ashes

Learn more Ashes to Ashes Because this material remains after physical or chemical operations, industrial transformations or even after manufacturing, the residue is of lesser value. No product can be extracted from it, it has no claim to...

120g difference

120g of difference Extract: Directed, photographed, edited and scored by Fabrice Leroux. 2011 Read more How can 120g change the way you look at someone? In a world where appearance is everything. Do clothes make the man? When 120g of hair can...